Центральный аэрогидродинамический институт имени профессора Н. Е. Жуковского

Противодействие коррупции

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MIK-1 Mobile Measuring Complex


It is designed to measure and record various physical magnitudes when investigating the aircraft model ditching in conditions of open pools and hydro-channels. It enhances the reliability, accuracy (by several times), information capability, cost-efficiency and effectiveness of tests, expanded dynamic range.


Up-grading the measuring packages of test facilities in “Hydrodynamics“ research center in TsAGI.

Technical Characteristics

Number of channels 16
Airborne recorder power supply, V 12
Power supply, W not more than 3.5
Dimensions, mm 200×120×60
Airborne recorder mass, kg 1
Airborne accumulator mass, kg 1.5