Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute
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Tests of the configuration and air-cushioned chassis elements for the aircraft of off-aerodrome location and ground-based off-road transports

During research TsAGI uses static stands (large and small) of the "tabular-section" type with the mobile screen, as well as an imitation of the forward flow, dynamic stability stand for testing full-scale, air-cushioned chassis aircraft models over the strong plane. This imitates the ground surface experimental equipment of the towing-basin trolley, dynamic stand of the towing basin, wind tunnel T-5 for acting full-scale air-cushioned chassis aircraft models. TsAGI, together with CJSC Komven, has tested air-cushioned chassis with the new proceedures. The aerodynamic and architectonic and layout chassis scheme are protected by mutual licenses. The chassis provide considerable widening of the operating capacities for the planes and transports on ground, water and ice surfaces. 

The responsible specialists are:

Yury A. Zakharchenko
tel. +7 (495) 916-90-91 add. 40-29, fax +7 (499) 261-38-18,
e-mail: aero@mktsagi.ru

Dolgopolov Alexandr Andreevich
tel. +7 (495) 916-90-91 add. 40-29, fax +7 (499) 261-38-18,
e-mail: aero@mktsagi.ru