Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute
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TsAGI continues to develop cutting-edge aerodynamic technology. TsAGI makes integral solutions to problems available for mathemat ical simulation, design work and experimental studies followed by optimization of elements and complete aerodynamic layouts.

The aim is to form optimum aerodynamic schemes of subsonic, supersonic and hypersonic aircrafts of various purposes. TsAGI is capable of carrying out complex research work.

Subsonic Aerodynamics

  • aircraft components;
  • complete aerodynamic scheme;
  • subsonic passenger aircraft;
  • special-purpose aircraft;
  • integration and compatibility of engine;
  • mathematical simulation and design of aircraft schemes;
  • complex physical studies.

Supersonic Aerodynamics

  • choice of schemes of vehicles and their components;
  • supersonic fighter (maneuvering, multitasking, multifunction, etc).
  • supersonic passenger aircraft;
  • special purpose vehicles;
  • integration and compatibility of various kinds of weapon, cargo, carriers and engines;
  • mathematical simulation and design of aircraft schemes and their components;
  • complex physical studies.

Power Plant Aerodynamics

TsAGI’s service and products satisfy all possible customer’s demands in the field of investigations and development of engines.

Hypersonic Technologies

Department of Hypersonic Aerodynamics and Fundamental Research was organized in 1958. In different periods of time leaders of the Department were outstanding Russian scientists — A. A. Dorodnitsyn, V. V. Sychev, V. Ya. Neyland, Yu. N. Ermak.

The main trends of investigations in the Department are:

  • external and internal flows with nonequilibrium physical-chemical processes in reacting gases, interference of shock waves, shock-boundary layer interaction, flow separation phenomena, rarefied gas phenomena;
  • heat transfer, thermal protection systems, thermophysical and radiation properties of materials and coatings;
  • laminar-turbulent transition and turbulent flows at sub-, super- and hypersonic speeds;
  • jet-vortex and multiphase flows;
  • new physical principles and methods of flow control;
  • ecological aspects of sub- and supersonic aviation.

Well-qualified scientists and high-skilled engineers work at the Department. There are more than 110 Doctors among them. During existence of the Department, great experience in fundamental research and applied studies has been gained. Many investigations performed in the Department are well-known to scientists in the world. It should be noted the complex of researches for supporting the Buran-Energia Program, for example.

Up-to date wind tunnels and special plants of the Department ensure possibility to simulate aerodynamic and thermophysical characteristics over a wide range of flight conditions. There are some subdivisions in the Department: the subdivision of measurement systems for performing experiments at all test facilities of the Department, the design subdivision for developing models and the manufacturing workshop for producing models.
The Department collaborates with many Russian Research Centers for performing great projects. Recently, the world scientific level increased due to possibility to integrate studies. The Department has already gained the experience in cooperation with the companies and Research Centers of Asia, Europe and the USA.
We are open for scientific collaboration, and we hope that this will promote faster development of aerospace science and engineering.

TsAGI can solve hypersonic technology problems:

In developing hypersonic vehicles TsAGI is able to consider:

  • intense gas compression ahead of the vehicle nose;
  • thermal and heat loads;
  • heat release due to internal friction in gas;
  • considerable increase of gas temperature near a vehicle surface;
  • change of air properties at high temperatures;
  • excitation of internal degrees of freedom of molecules;
  • dissociation of gases as air components;
  • chemical reactions (for example, formation of nitric oxide);
  • excitation of electrons;
  • ionization;
  • equilibrium and nonequilibrium processes;
  • gas heat content and entropy depending on temperature and pressure;
  • heat transfer;
  • vehicle surface friction;
  • gas properties depending on air viscosity, heat conduction, optimization problems, etc.

Helicopter Aerodynamics

The modern Russian helicopters (Mi-26, Mi-28, Ka-32, Ka-226, Ka-50/52, Ka-60/62) were developed using TsAGI’s modern systems to create:

  • aerodynamic shapes and configurations;
  • rotor blade and airfoil design;
  • control devices including control system of jet-path using Coand’s effect;
  • aeroelastic rotor blade configurations;
  • automated control system structures.

Cooperation with TsAGI’s top level engineers and scientists can help you to achieve world standards in helicopter technology, with practical results in the shortest time. TsAGI’s full-scale test facilities offer the unique experimental base for helicopter aerodynamic and strength studies.
The most modern systems include laser-computer measurements to test blade deformation and TsAGI’s wind tunnels to test rotors up to 17m diameter with flow velocities up to 430km/h.

Physical Gasdynamics

TsAGI can solve most complex physical gasdynamic problems:

  • rarefied gases
  • nonequilibrium gas flows
  • gasdynamic lasers
  • gas thermo dynamics of multi-phase jets
  • combustion and heat exchange
  • test facilities

TsAGI takes part in many scientific international and domestic programs and grants concerning mentioned above problems. TsAGI has a lot of experimental facilities to study physical gasdynamics phenomena.

Industry Aerodynamics

TsAGI has many contacts and contracts with international and domestic industry companies, such as Boeing, GasProm, Sukhoy Design Bureau, etc. Do you want to collaborate with us?

TsAGI can accomplish research in following fields:

  • internal flows;
  • wind engines;
  • jet vehicles;
  • fans and compressors;
  • wind loads on building constructions;
  • aerodynamics of ground vehicles.