TsAGI Organizes 20th Conference on Aeroacoustics
11 October 2023
Aircraft noise is a relevant problem in the world’s aviation. Russian scientists are actively involved in improving and developing a range of measures to decrease noise effects on the environment and health. Fruitful cooperation between domestic research enterprises and participation in industrial, regional and national conferences and workshops open a new horizon for projects in aircraft engineering and related industries.
TsAGI (a part of NRC “Zhukovsky Institute”) organized the 20th Anniversary Research-and-Technology Conference on Aeroacoustics. It focused on relevant challenges of creating quiet domestic civil aircraft, and was held from September 24 to 29 in Suzdal, Vladimir Oblast.
‘The Conference on Aeroacoustics is Russia’s key platform for the industry, universities and research organizations involved in this relevant area. The 20th Anniversary Conference gathers many young specialists, giving them a unique chance to outline new activity areas,’ said D. Sc. Aleksandr Medvedsky, First Deputy General Director at TsAGI, in his welcoming speech.
Relevant state-of-the-art problems in aeroacoustics were analyzed in the plenary report by D. Sc., Prof. Viktor Kopyev, Head of Aeroacoustics Research Center, TsAGI Moscow Complex; Head of Aeroacoustics Department, TsAGI; Permanent Chairman of Conference Program Committee. He emphasized the need to use all current and new technologies in aeroacoustics to make domestic aircraft well-competitive against similar foreign aircraft in terms of aeroacoustics.
Critical technology adjustment for creation of advanced aircraft engines and propulsions was considered in report by Aleksandr Lukovnikov, Deputy Director General for Science at CIAM, coauthored by S. Kuptsov and Ye. Penyasov. According to Mr. Lukovnikov, the studies are carried out to shape technological advance in differently-designed piston engines, rotary engines and gas-turbine engines for subsonic and high-speed aircraft. The recent years have seen an activation in conceptual and experimental studies in electric and hybrid propulsions.
Reports were also presented at the Conference, dealing with such areas as environmental noise of aircraft, rotorcraft and UAVs; aircraft engine acoustics; liners; cockpit noise of aircraft and rotorcraft; turbulence structure; noise sources; innovative methods of noise control; acoustic measurement methods; acoustic strength; vibroacoustics; and aeroecology.
The Conference also held a young scientists’ school by Russian Science Foundation as a series of lectures on development and validation of mathematical models and calculation algorithms in aeroacoustics.
A Seminar on differential equations and their application was held jointly with Vladimir State University named after Alexander and Nikolay Stoletovs where TsAGI and VLSU discussed relevant problems in fundamental and applied mathematics.
Totally, over 120 scientists took part in the event, representing more than 30 academic and industrial institutions, design bureaus, research-and-production associations, and industrial enterprises — Mil&Kamov, UEC‑Aviadvigatel, Yakovlev JSC, CIAM, Andreyev Acoustics Institute, MSU, MSTU, MAI, etc.
The event continued the traditional conferences on aeroacoustics that TsAGI has organized since 1962. The Conference gathers researchers, engineers and top specialists for aeroacoustics and aeroecology; it enables an open discussion of results and determination of areas and further development paths.