TsAGI, WCRC ‘Supersonic’ at Congress of Young Scientists
21 December 2021
TsAGI (a part of NRC “Zhukovsky Institute”) and World-Class Research Center (WCRC) “Supersonic” participated in the Congress of Young Scientists. The event was held at Sirius federal territory, from December 8 to 10, under the Year of Science and Technologies in Russia.
The Congress included a Session for the National Ecosystem of High-Speed Transport. It was moderated by Kirill Sypalo, Director General of TsAGI, Corresponding Member of the RAS, Head of the WCRC “Supersonic”; and co-moderated by Yelena Pudalova, Head for Advanced Development, TsAGI, Deputy Head of the WCRC “Supersonic”.
Kirill Borisov, Deputy Head for State R&T Policy, Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, took part in the discussion via videoconferencing. The NRC “Zhukovsky Institute” was represented by Vasily Shapkin, First Deputy General Director for Technological Development.
Andrei Shibitov, Director of Innovations, Russian Helicopters, reported on high-speed rotorcraft within a global transport system under urbanization. Another session report was delivered by Vasily Boytsov, Deputy General Director for Innovation and Technical Development, United Shipbuilding Corporation JSC. Russian Railways Company was represented by Dmitry Kiryushin and Konstantin Kulgin. Vladimir Volik, Director for Strategic Planning, UAC, discussed with other experts the modern solutions for creating a unified high-speed transport system primarily aimed at reducing travel time and making the territories economically united.
‘Indeed, creating advanced high-speed aircraft implies the issues of developing technologies generally. Aviation scientific community is facing multiple challenges that can be solved only by involving best talents and solutions. This fully matches the concept followed by the WCRC "Supersonic",’ said Kirill Sypalo.
The program of the Congress included an exhibition presenting the WCRC. One of its main showpieces was an integrated technology demonstrator of Strizh supersonic transport, scaled 1:8. The visitors could also see a mocked-up structural design of the SST nose part and behind-the-cockpit parts, an interactive presentation of the WCRC’s laboratories, and a console-driven laboratory demonstration facility for supporting the work of the Center.
Within the Congress, the WCRC held a smart scientific quest, At Takeoff: Win Your Summit, moderated by Yelena Pudalova. The quest is a virtual trip to the supersonic center, organized as an intellectual game, showing activities of its laboratories. The participants divided into five teams, chose their leaders and made their team motto. They simulated activities at the WCRC laboratories by solving aerodynamics tasks, performing acoustic tests, detecting aircraft structural defects with laser, assembling and disassembling supersonic aircraft propulsion, and trying their hands at piloting. The quest’s game format provided the participants’ involvement into developing theoretical basis of aircraft creation. The tasks had been prepared by the young scientists who work at the laboratories of the WCRC.
‘Organizing the smart quest became an interesting experience for heads and specialists of the WCRC “Supersonic”. Young scientists, postgraduates and senior students could feel involvement into the greatest project of Russian aircraft industry and the community—the creation of supersonic transport,’ said Yelena Pudalova.
The WCRC ‘Supersonic’ was initiated and established by TsAGI; the Institute also coordinates the Consortium. Apart from TsAGI, the WCRC also includes Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics of the RAS, Baranov Central Institute of Aviation Motor Development, GosNIIAS, MAI, Lomonosov MSU, and PFRC UB RAS. The project is implemented from 2020 to 2025. The expected outcomes of the Center’s activities are: innovative futuristic SST designs of low-sonic-boom quiet aircraft, a multi-criteria aircraft design technology, a computer-vision-based system of displaying information, a flight-deck AR (augmented reality) technology, etc.
The Activities were carried out within the WCRC “Supersonic” Establishment and Development Program for
The Congress of Young Scientists aims to involve the young generation into research projects and activities. The event gathered top scientific schools from different Russian regions, research organizations, educational organizations, authorities, industrial partners, leading domestic scientists, young scientists, grant competition winners, students and schoolchildren with great research achievements. The Congress was organized by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, Coordination Council for Youth Affairs in the Sphere of Science and Education under the Presidential Council for Science and Education (Russia), and by Roscongress Foundation for National Priorities.