TsAGI, WCRC ‘Supersonic’ at Science of the Future International Conference, All-Russian Forum Science of the Future — Science of the Youth
14 December 2021
Coordinated by TsAGI (a part of NRC ‘Zhukovsky Institute’), the World-Class Research Center (WCRC) “Supersonic” performed activities within Science of the Future, the international research conference, and the 6th All-Russian Forum, Science of the Future — Science of the Youth. The events were organized by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation.
Within Science of the Future Conference, the WCRC organized a roundtable, Young Scientists: The Prospects and Development of the WCRC ‘Supersonic’, moderated by Yelena Pudalova, Head for Advanced Development, TsAGI. The discussion was held by scientists representing WCRC Consortium organizations: TsAGI, KIAM, PFRC UB RAS, and MAI. Expert opinions were delivered by Pavel Forsh, Director of Department for National Research and R&T Policy, Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation; by Yelena Gruzinova, Deputy Head of the Department; and by Viktor Kopyev, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Head of Laboratory, WCRC ‘Supersonic’, Head for Aircraft Aeroacoustics and Ecology.
The roundtable focused on fundamental research challenges related to aerodynamics, aeroacoustics, and aircraft strength. In particular, TsAGI scientists spoke on research into noise, including both turbulence-related noise and the noise caused by jet-wing interaction.
The Science of the Future — Science of the Youth Forum agenda included a smart scientific quest, At Takeoff: Win Your Summit, organized by the WCRC ‘Supersonic’. The participants knew about the WCRC laboratories’ activities by taking immersive tests and tasks. The Forum’s target audience included students, postgraduates, and young scientists over 30 people participated in the quest, divided into five teams. The game concept vividly showed to the young researchers—the potential aviation HR—the current fundamental tasks fulfilled by the WCRC Consortium.
‘The work aimed at creating supersonic transport is a fundamental process which requires special attention. Getting closer to this ambitious goal requires the involvement of young talented researchers with creative fresh ideas. Gratifyingly, these activities have shown to the new generation of young researchers the huge potential of the WCRC “Supersonic”; once implemented, its tasks will provide a revolutionarily new level for aircraft,’ said Yelena Pudalova. The WCRC “Supersonic” was initiated and established by TsAGI; the Institute also coordinates the Consortium. Apart from TsAGI, the WCRC also includes Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics of the RAS, Baranov Central Institute of Aviation Motor Development, GosNIIAS, MAI, Lomonosov MSU, and PFRC UB RAS. The project is implemented from 2020 to 2025. The expected outcomes of the Center’s activities are innovative futuristic SST designs of low-sonic-boom quiet aircraft, a multi-criteria aircraft design technology, a computer-vision-based system of displaying information, a flight-deck AR (augmented reality) technology, etc.
The activities were carried out within the WCRC ‘Supersonic’ Establishment and Development Program for