Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute
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TsAGI Participates in 15th NAUKA 0+ Science Festival Exhibition

27 October 2020

TsAGI (a part of NRC “Zhukovsky Institute”) participated in NAUKA 0+, all-Russian 15th science festival.

For the festival exhibition, which took place in Expocentre on October 10 and 11, TsAGI prepared its own stand.

TsAGI’s main exhibit was the full-scale model of supersonic transport which embodies TsAGI’s several research projects in aerodynamics and strength. The exhibition stand also included several solutions essential to supersonic aviation development. They are being designed by the World-Class Research Center ‘Supersonic’, which was established due to TsAGI’s initiative in 2019.

The stand was attended by Viktor Kopyev, Prof., D.Sc. in Physics and Mathematics, Head of Aeroacoustics Department (TsAGI), Head of Aeroacoustics and Vibrations Lab (WCRC ‘Supersonic’); and by Alexander Efremov, Prof., D. Eng. Sc., Dean of the Faculty (MAI). They answered to the questions asked by attendees of the exhibition stand.

In addition, all the attendees could learn about TsAGI competence base, its advanced developments which boost aircraft’s structural performance and weight characteristics, its concepts of adaptive airframe, etc.

The exhibition also included workshops by TsAGI’s young specialists. Festival attendees of all ages could do aeromodelling, see and conduct experiments in physics and aerodynamics.

‘TsAGI is a permanent participant of the all-Russian science festival, as it is a perfect opportunity to present our new, interesting and breakthrough projects to the youth and the broad audience. This year we present our showpieces on supersonic theme. Kirill Sypalo, TsAGI’s General Director, and TsAGI’s top scientists talked about that at the online lecture; the theme was also presented at the exhibition stand. Such a promising theme as supersonic airliner will certainly raise the interest among the festival attendees. Some of the young attendees may become aviation specialists, and they will possibly want to work at our Institute. I think that participation in NAUKA 0+ festival contributes to TsAGI’s and our country’s future’, said Yelena Pudalova, Head of Advanced Development.

TsAGI Press Service
+7 (495) 556-40-38

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