MAI Students visit TsAGI
15 October 2020
The Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute named after Professor N.E. Zhukovsky (a part of NRC “Zhukovsky Institute”), one of the largest enterprises in the aerospace industry, constantly faces the challenge of attracting new professional personnel, preserving scientific schools and transferring the accumulated experience. To this end, TsAGI annually holds a number of events aimed at vocational guidance of schoolchildren, interaction with universities, and advanced training of young specialists. As part of this work, on September 23 and 28, TsAGI invited students in Aircraft and Aircraft Aerodynamics of Aviation Engineering Institute No. 1 of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow Aviation Institute.
At an introductory tour organized by the Youth Policy of Personnel Management of TsAGI, young people visited static and resource test facilities, as well as sub-, trans- and hypersonic wind tunnels, flight simulators and the demonstration center of the Institute.
’I am interested in working with a real machine and testing it. Therefore, I would very much like to find a job in such a place,’ said Georgy Livshits, student of the Moscow Aviation Institute.
Among the students were representatives of leading enterprises in the aviation industry, such as Tupolev, Ilyushin, Sukhoi and others, but there were those who had not yet decided on their future place of work.
’When organizing such visits, we take into account the specialization of students,’ said G. Kudryavtsev, Head of the Youth Policy. ’Students of Aircraft Aerodynamics are fascinated with TsAGI wind tunnels, and future specialists in Design and Certification of Aviation Equipment are more interested in static and resource tests, because this is directly related to their future specialty’.
Assistance in organizing the students’ visit was provided by Alina Slitinskaya who works in TsAGI Aircraft and Rockets Aerodynamics. ’We are grateful to our professor, Mrs. Slitinskaya. She taught us for two semesters, and at the end of this lecture course invited us to visit the Institute," said Alexei Selin, a student of the Moscow Aviation Institute. ’We are very pleased to have visited these unique experimental facilities. I can clearly see that TsAGI is a modern center that strives for self-improvement. This is an important organization for the entire domestic aircraft industry.’
TsAGI and MAI have long-term partnerships: every year, students of the Aerodynamics of Aircraft do summer practical work at the Institute.