Scientific laboratory summed up the results of the second year work within the grant from the Government of the Russian Federation
25 December 2018
In December 2018 the TsAGI Technopark held a scientific-technical Conference of the NIO-1 science lab. The participants summed up the results of the second year of work within the grant from the Government of the Russian Federation “Research and Development of Physical Models and Numerical Technologies for Describing Combustion Regimes in Aircraft Engines.”
The preparation and conduct ion of research at TsAGI aerodynamic stand was the focus of attention. The experiments aim was the test cases to check the physical analogues of turbulent combustion and to test the channeling computer programs in conditions of heat supply. The Conference members discussed the development results of the bench models and the tools, as well as first pilot launches.
The second Conference’s theme was the accuracy study of the development methods of numerical simulation of the flows with turbulent combustion of hydrogen and methane. The study was based on a comparison with the published foreign experimental data of NASA and ONERA, as well as the experienced data obtained at TsAGI in the framework of the European project HEXAFLY.
Another area of work is computer simulation and the study of internal flow with continuously rotating detonation. A group of researchers led by Academician V.A. Levin carries out these investigations.
According to Professor Vladimir Sabelnikov, the head of the laboratory, the work is carried out in accordance with the action plan of the grant. The research has been sufficiently advanced compared with the last year. The final phase is ahead. It will involve the aerodynamic model bench tests in the framework of the project, theoretical models approval experimental tests, as well as the formation of practical recommendations on methodology of numerical simulation of internal flows under the conditions of heat supply.
The laboratory “Research and Development of Physical Models and Numerical Technologies for Describing Combustion Regimes in Aircraft Engines” was opened the TsAGI Technopark in July, 2017. Creation of the laboratory became possible thanks to the mega-grant of the Government of the Russian Federation, won by TsAGI in 2016. One of the essential conditions for awarding the prize was the patronage of the scientific laboratory by the invited leading scientist.