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Archive for 2014
22 December 2014
TsAGI and CARDC (China) signed a Framework cooperation agreement
18 November 2014
TsAGI is improving numerical and experimental methods
16 October 2014
Regular technical meeting of the BUTERFLI project held at TsAGI
12 September 2014
TsAGI, ESA-ESTEC discuss upcoming tests of high-speed civilian planeDuring theICAS-2014 international congress Sergey Chernyshev,executive director ofthe Russian researchcentreTsAGIandJohanSteelant, a seniorengineerwith the EuropeanSpace Agency’s European Space Research and Technology Centre(ESA-ESTEC) discussed progresson the creationof a high-speedcivilianaircraft.
11 September 2014
ICAS 2014: round-up of day four
11 September 2014
Denis Maugars Award for young scientists
10 September 2014
ICAS 2014: a round-up of day three
9 September 2014
ICAS 2014: a round-up of the second day