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Archive for 2012
1 June 2012
TsAGI winds up its participation in MAAXIMUS
31 May 2012
TsAGI tests bridge over Moscow Canal
22 May 2012
TsAGI proposal for ESWIRP project approvedA joint proposal by scientists from TsAGI and the Institute of Aerodynamics and Gas Dynamics at the University of Stuttgart (USTUTT, Germany) on the formulation and conducting of experimental research in the ETW cryogenic tunnel has been approved by the tender committee of the European Commission’s 7th Framework Program.
23 April 2012
SADE research continuesTsAGI is continuing to work as part of the international SADE project (SmArt High Lift DEvices for Next Generation Wing) as part of the European Commission’s 7th Framework Program. The aim of the project is to research “smart” elements for mechanizing the next generation of wings, in order to increase aerodynamic qualities and fuel efficiency, and reduce noise and harmful emissions in all flight modes — particularly take-off and landing.
4 April 2012
Express-MD2 tested in TsAGI acoustic chamber
4 April 2012
Fourth meeting held on ORINOCO project