Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute
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Computer Simulation Center established by TSAGI and RAS

24 October 2012

The Computer Simulation Center (CSC) for application tasks of the aerospace industry has been established by the Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute named after professor N.E. Zhukovsky (TsAGI) and the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS).

The CSC is an association of scientists organized within the framework of the joint fundamental research program of TSAGI and RAS. The main objective of the Center is the development of numerical methods and computer simulation applied to the aerospace industry. CSC is led by honorary director of the Institute of Computer Aided Design of RAS, RAS Academician Oleg Mikhailovich Belotserkovsky.

The first seminar of the new Centre was held last September. Scientists of TsAGI, the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Moscow Physical-Technical Institute delivered their speeches at the event.

The creation of CSC will contribute significantly not only to the development of computational methods in the most science-intensive aerospace industry, but also will allow for the examination and certification of software products of public and private companies.

For the purpose of continuous monitoring of CSC activities, quarterly workshops with the participation of a narrow circle of specialists and an annual international scientific workshop inviting a wide range of specialists will be held. The Program Committee of workshops will include the most reputable scientists in the field of aerothermodynamics, combustion, and other areas of aerospace science.

“With this workshop, we, in fact, open the Computer Simulation Center,” said Executive Director of FSUE TsAGI and corresponding member of RAS Sergey Chernyshev. “We want to consolidate the forces of the leading scientists of TsAGI and the RAS working in the aerospace industry. CSC will combine the ability to perform qualitative experiments possessed by our institute and the most advanced developments of the Academy of Sciences in the field of numerical methods and computer-aided simulations.” Dr. Chernyshev also stated that the “extensive experimental data obtained from modern wind tunnels allow TsAGI and RAS institutes to solve practical problems of the validation of calculation methods that are essential for the development of the new generation of software products. In addition, our work will be an integral part of the federal target program ‘Development of Civil Aircraft Engineering’.”

TsAGI Press Service
+7 (495) 556-40-38

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