Центральный аэрогидродинамический институт имени профессора Н. Е. Жуковского

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TsAGI Science Journal

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About the Journal

Editor-in-Chief: Sergei Leonidovich Chernyshev

Associate Editor: Ivan Vladimirovich Egorov

TsAGI Science Journal is a bimonthly periodical publication from the Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute named Prof. N.E. Zhukovsky.

Uchenye zapiski TsAGI publishes research papers submitted by scientists and engineers from TsAGI and other organizations in the areas of mechanics and control processes in the framework of fundamental problems and problems associated with advances in aerospace science, industrial aerodynamics, and hydrodynamics of high-speed motion. Topics can also be concerned the corresponding problems of gas, fluid, and plasma mechanics, deformation mechanics, strength, vibrations of bodies and structures under hydrodynamic, gas-dynamic, thermal, and other effects, and flight mechanics. Considerable attention is paid to the problems of physical and mathematical modeling of real processes, numerical methods and algorithms, and optimization problems. An important aim of this journal is to publish methods which can be the basics for effective engineering computation and design.

(English version TsAGI Science Journal is published by Begell House Inc.)
