RFBR Grants
Since the very inception of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, scientists at the Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute (TsAGI) have submitted pilot research projects for competition consideration and received grants for their implementation in mathematics, mechanics and informatics (01); fundamentals of engineering sciences (08). The projects deal with: fundamental problems of the mechanics of liquid and gas associated with the formulation of slipstreams; problems of the stability of frictional gas flow; the field of computational aerodynamics; processes of combustion in supersonic flow, and others.
TsAGI has participated in the following RFBR competitions:
- Competition for pilot research projects. Fundamentals of engineering sciences.
- Competition for basic research geared towards current interdisciplinary topics.
- Competition for Russian-Ukrainian joint research projects in 2011.
- Competition for pilot projects geared towards targeted basic research.
- Competition for research projects involving the organization and hosting of Russian and international youth science events within the territory of the Russian Federation.
- Organization of youth science events hosted within the territory of the Russian Federation.
- Competition for projects involving development of the material-and-technical base (MTB) for scientific research.
- Competition for projects involving special support for developing the material-and-technical base (MTB) for scientific research.
- Participation of Russian scientists in international research events abroad and within the territory of the Russian Federation.
- Competition for international projects and CIS-country joint projects.
- Competition for publication projects. Mathematics, mechanics and informatics.
- Competition for special publication projects, etc.
With the financial support of RFBR, the institute’s scientists and specialists participate in international research conferences within the country and beyond; every year, TsAGI hosts:
— Scientific and technical conference on aerodynamics;
— Open national (all-Russia) conference on aero acoustics.
Financing of research projects by TsAGI scientists in 2007-2012
Year |
Number of grants |
Number of grant holders |
Total grant amount (RUB) |
2007 |
41 |
36 |
17 049 000 |
2008 |
42 |
36 |
23 687 000 |
2009 |
38 |
31 |
22 039 026 |
2010 |
46 |
40 |
18 131 330 |
2011 |
39 |
33 |
17 726 289 |
2012 |
35 |
30 |
18 063 846 |
Projects by TsAGI scientists receiving grants in 2013
Grant number |
Project name |
Project director |
13-01-00202 |
New effects of intensive interaction between the three-dimensional boundary layer and external flow |
Dudin Georgi Nikolaevich |
13-01-00247 |
Theoretical and numerical investigation into rotation and separation at high-Reynolds number flow |
Sychev Viktor Vladimirovich |
13-01-00767 |
Research on boundary-layer control using supersonic micro-streams |
Ustinov Maxim Vladimirovich |
13-08-00346 |
Active and passive control of aircraft flowover and research into aircraft behavior at high angles of attack for the purposes of improving its aerodynamic characteristics and ensuring flight safety |
Gaifullin Alexander Marxovich |
13-08-00896 |
Analysis of the forecast accuracy of aerodynamic characteristics in cryogenic trans-sonic wind tunnels |
Bosnyakov Sergei Mikhailovich |